Sunday, September 20, 2009

Only one more day!

Season 9 of "Dancing With the Stars" starts tomorrow.  I'm getting my TV set warmed up right now...actually, my DVR.  You won't believe this, but we're not going to be home tomorrow night!  I know, it's shocking, isn't it?  But since neither ABC, nor Lyric Opera of Chicago, seems inclined to change their schedules, I'm just going to have to watch it on DVR.  And if there's a power outage, I'm coming to YOUR house to watch it on your DVR, so don't delete it right away, okay?

If you're reading this...and I have no idea who might be...please leave a comment predicting who you think will win this season's fabulous, sparkly mirror ball trophy.  Please post your comments before 7:00 p.m. tomorrow night.  Yes!  Before the first "star" makes that fateful voyage (I hesitate to use the word "trip") down the curved staircase, I want to know who you think is going to win. 

Based on the fact that I know almost nothing about any of the "stars", and might only recognize four...maybe five...of them in a lineup, I'm going with Mark Decascos.  And that, my friends, is because I think he's very handsome.  But, I'm also predicting Donny Osmond is going to be in finals. 

I can hardly wait!!

Here's your Week One scorecard, so you can play along at home.  To print it, double click on the blue title "Score Sheet Week 1" and click on print...or click the drop down next to the word "More" and click on print.  Happy viewing!

Score Sheet Week 1


  1. Well, since I don't know who many of these stars are, I can't pick a winner yet. I will say that Donny will be in the finals. I will be able to give you a better idea after I watch tonight's show. I think!

    And, for the record, I happen to love reading what you write and I think Cybil Shepard is an EXCELLENT choice to play you in the upcoming film!!

  2. Hi Linda. I'm so excited for tonight and can't wait to see some of the contestants, as I don't know many of them. I also agree that Donny will most likely be in the finals. Also anxious to see if Joanna Krupa will give Edyta Sliwinska a run for who can wear the least costume. I hope this isn't going to be a long day at work because I'm ready to go home and get into my comfy clothes and settle on the couch to watch DWTS. Will predict the winner after I watcb tonight's show. This is fun.

  3. Linda - this is fantastic. Thanks for setting this up for all of us that love following your commentary on DWTS!

    I'm guessing Donny Osmond (who I LOVED as a kid and still have my Donny and Marie barbie dolls) will do well as he'll have a good fan base that will keep him in there. Mya and Aaron are also good dancers but who knows if that will translate into the ballroom dance floor? Like everyone has posted...I'll have a better idea after tonight's show.


Let everyone know what YOU think!